Winter’s palette unfolds as a tapestry of gray, enveloped in a gloomy, oppressive atmosphere where loneliness accompanies each step. Walking alone beside the river, burdened with snow, the cold snowflakes caress my face, echoing the weight upon my somber heart. Compelled, I raise my head to survey my surroundings. Silence envelops me, pierced only by the dance of snowflakes in the air and the sway of barren branches. This solitude, so beautifully serene, has the power to still the soul, offering a moment of tranquility.
Regarding the Chinese Calligraphy, “寒江孤雪”, the direct translation is “Cold River, Lonely Snow”.
冬天的颜色是灰色的。 阴郁压抑的气息, 孤单如影随形。 独自走在飘雪的江边, 冰冷的雪花打在脸上,也打在灰暗的心头,不禁抬头环顾四周,静寂无声,只有空中飞舞的雪花,和枯枝摇翼。 这孤寂的美有瞬间平静内心的力量。